My total fucking respect goes out today to all the women and girls in my life. It’s International Women’s Day, and I’m overwhelmed with “meta level” emotions while reading articles about the ongoing struggle for equality. We will continue to fight for change, and encourage others to be a part.
My thoughts are with the amazing, strong and beautiful women that I am lucky to know, those who I call friends, sisters, colleagues. You are all champions for goodness and we are united by our creativity, passions and values. You are spread all over the world which means I miss most of you all the time. I love our conversations when we manage to connect.
I'm surrounded by heroes, superwomen, leaders. So this is a shout-out to all of you:
To my sister who embraces her chronic medical condition with such dignity, never complaining while unselfishly caring for her family.
To all of my single mother friends - you are my heroes! You carry what feels like the world on your shoulders, and still walk with swagger. You champion daily for your kids’ happiness, while longing for your very own champion who’s only wish is for you to be happy!
To my kiddo girls, who are defining their own paths with creativity and maturity, making thoughtful decisions and exploring womanhood. I'm so proud of you!
To my friends who have experienced feelings of helplessness as their daughters struggle with self-harm and struggling to be a part of this world – you are my teachers!
To my friend who at the age of 50 put an entire hard-earned career behind her to follow her truth of becoming a fitness trainer, helping women to feel good about themselves. Respect!
To my younger friends who are pursuing ambitious and creative careers while navigating loving and healthy relationships that challenge norms. I learn from you!
To my Mother who raised eight children (mostly on her own) and continues tirelessly to be the Queen-of-active-listening, making people feel seen and heard. I love you Mom!
To my friends who have stood firm in reporting harassment and abuse against others or themselves, not faltering when intimidated and patiently demanding vindication. You are strong!
To my friends who are examples of not being afraid to love again, not giving up until they found the kind of committed love they knew they deserved, taking on bonus families and all the joys that come with it. You give me hope!
To my friends who commit professionally to championing peace, development and equality with unfailing energy, because any other work wouldn’t even be an alternative. I am proud to work with you!
To my friends who have experienced burn-out, and from it have learned how to practice self-kindness, to set boundaries, and how to find strength in weakness. Salut!
We are united as mothers, lovers, sisters. Sometimes we understand each other and sometimes we don’t. But we support each other. We share struggles, insecurities, dreams, passions, cravings. Sometimes we get lost, and then we find ourselves. We reflect and seek personal growth, remaining open to love and seeking harmony. I appreciate you all dearly. You are so important in my life.
So my girls, I will dedicate the most beautiful words I know to you…… “I just want you to be happy”.